Lock and Unlock Debit & Credit Cards From Online and Mobile App
- Log into your account online
- Under the Service Center tab, select the card you want to lock or unlock.
- Click on 'Lock or Unlock a Card'
- Select the applicable card
- Log into your card account in the mobile app
- Go to Manage Cards from the menu and select the card you want to lock/unlock
- Click on 'Lock or Unlock a Card' and select the applicable card
Still don't have the app?

More ways to help protect your card.
Your Security, $0 Liability
Be in the Know with Fraud Alerts
†Transactions are protected by federal law and Mastercard’s Zero Liability. Transactions you did not authorize should be reported to us promptly through our dispute process. We ask that you assist us in our investigation as needed. Certain limitations apply. See the Electronic Funds Transfer Services section of the Consumer Deposit Account Agreement and mastercard.com/zeroliability for complete details.
‡Message and data charges may apply.